Healthy Aging Talks: Heart Health

Women living with HIV attended an in-person/virtual event to learn more about heart health


BCC3 Healthy Aging Talks is a new event series from the BCC3 study team where we communicate personalized BCC3 research results to women who participated in the study. Following successful Liver Health events in March and April 2024, our second set of events focused on heart health in women

Event Summary

Partnering with Ribbon Community (formerly known as AIDS Vancouver), the in-person BCC3 Healthy Aging Talks: Heart Health event took place on July 8th, and the virtual event on July 11th


  • In preparation for the event, our team developed a "Heart Health Roadmap" - a booklet that provides information about heart health, as well as advice and tips about how to talk about heart health with care providers. The booklet covers the following topics: simple heart health anatomy, risk factors for hearth disease (including women-specific ones), symptoms of heart disease, and tips about heart health-related laboratory tests and questions to ask your care team. The booklet also included a BCC3 heart health research result - an estimate of 10-year risk of cardiovascular event (heart attack or stroke)
  • At the event, women had a chance to learn more about heart health during the booklet presentation by our Community Research Associates, and then solidify the knowledge during two rounds of trivia and Q&A.
  • We were lucky to be accompanied by Dr. Elizabeth King during the Q&A- and infectious diseases specialist at the Oak Tree Clinic, one of the co-investigators in the BCC3 study, and a principle investigator of the REDOSE study. Dr. King provided invaluable insight into heart health during both the in-person and virtual events.
  • At the end of each event, women were able to request personalized booklets (with their own result labeled as "you are here" in a graph containing more than 300 data points).
  • Women who participated in the BCC3 study but did not attend the events can also request their booklets by contacting BCC3 Research Coordinator
  • The Heart Health events brought together 30 women (20 in-person and 10 virtual)




Stay tuned for the future BCC3 Healthy Aging Talks that will focus on heart health, immune health, kidney health, and more!


We are a research team of women living with HIV, community, clinicians, and academics based in British Columbia, Canada, and we seek to better understand healthy aging in women+ living with HIV!
