Health and Wellbeing ofIndigenous Women Living with HIV 

Lessons Learned from the CHIWOS-PAW Study

Health and Wellbeing is a Journey

Wise Women shared that health is a constant journey that requires acceptance and love of all parts, involving Indigenous Healing methods for mind, body, heart (emotional), & spiritual health.

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Health is Connected with Traditional Medicines and Ceremony

The Wise Women of CHIWOS-PAW would like to have access & support to use Traditional Medicines and Ceremony in their healthcare journeys.

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Meaningful Relationships and Community

The Wise Women draw strength and support from belonging to a community and having meaningful relationships connected with their healing journey.

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Our Healing Health Partnerships

We are all connected. Listening to the words and stories of Indigenous Women will build relationships and support their health journeys together.

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Study Team

Funding Organizations

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) MOP-111041

Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network AHA Centre

Simon Fraser University’s Community Engaged Research Initiative (CERi)

BC Support Unit’s Fraser Centre Directed Award in Indigenous Knowledge Translation

Canadian Institute for Health Research Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (CIHR-SPOR)